Recipes give you a powerful way to automatically perform actions (such as pausing a campaign, increasing bids, or lowering budgets) based upon certain criteria.
The real power of Recipes lies in the triggers, allowing you to specify the exact criteria that your ads need to hit before you perform an action. Triggers are composed of three parts.
Clauses are the most granular part of Recipe triggers. These are composed of three parts:
A metric (such as sales, acos, or clicks)
An operator (such as >, <, or =)
A value (such as $10, or 20%)
Combined - the metric, operator, and value make up a clause. A few examples of different clauses:
sales > $10
acos < 20%
clicks = 100
Expressions are made up with a time window and one or more clauses. The time window allows you to specify the time period you want to use when generating your metrics. The time window can be either
over the lifetime
over the last X days
where X is any number of days from 1 to 180.
When using the "over the lifetime" time window, Merch Jar will use all of the data available in your account. When using the "over the last X days" time window, Merch Jar will only use the number of days specified to generate your metrics.
A few example expressions
over the lifetime sales = $0
over the last 30 days acos > 50%
The clauses in an expression can be grouped using boolean logic for more advanced functionality. A simple example of this would be
over the lifetime sales = $0 and spend > $50
over the last 45 days acos > 50% and spend > $50
Expressions also support nested boolean logic, allowing for even more advanced triggers.
over the lifetime (sales = $0 and spend > $50) or (sales < $10 and spend > $200)
over the last 15 days (sales = $0 or acos > $50) and (spend > $20)
Expressions can be grouped together using boolean logic to create a statement. This allows for more advanced functionality, such as comparing multiple time periods. A few examples:
(over the lifetime orders = 0) and (over the last 30 days spend > $10)
(over the lifetime (orders < 10 and acos > 50%)
Constructing a Clause
Clauses are composed of three parts:
A metric (such as sales, acos, or clicks)
An operator (such as >, <, or =)
A value (such as $10, or 20%)
Combined - the metric, operator, and value make up a clause. A few examples of different clauses:
sales > $10
acos < 20%
clicks = 100
Metrics are split into three categories - numeric, string based, and special. Numeric metrics have some sort of number attached to them, while string-based metrics are dealing with text of some sort. Special metrics have their own set of rules.
Numeric Metrics
pages read
estimated royalties
String Metrics
campaign name
ad group name
Special Metrics
state (will only accept "enabled", "effectively enabled", "running", "active", "paused", or "archived" for values)
Numeric Operators:
String Operators:
does not contain
starts with
ends with
State Operators:
Numeric Values
Numeric values can be any number, with decimal places. Currency symbols and percentage signs are support, so you can enter "$20.00" or "15.67%". Commas are not currently supported.
String Values
String values can be any string, but it has to be wrapped in double quotes ("like this!").