With the search bar, filter search terms by keyword
or by one of your asins to show only ad groups with that asin as an ad
You can also sort your data in ascending or descending order for any of the columns by clicking on the column heading.
Clicking on the negate icon to the right of any search term brings up a window to add the search term as an exact or negative match to the ad groups targeting it.
Simply check the box next to any ad groups you'd like to negate, or use the select all checkbox to select all ad groups.
Then click on the create negative keywords button, and the search term will be added as a negative keyword to all selected ad groups.
Currently the negation feature on the Search Term page only supports adding search terms and product page ASINs as negative exact or phrase keywords.
ASINs that are added as a exact or phrase negative keyword won't stop your ads from being shown on that ASINs product page
Soon ASINs will automatically be added as negative product targets when using the Search Term page's negation feature.
Until then you can copy any ASINs you'd like to negate from your search term page and ad them to your campaign or ad group's negative product targeting using Amazon's Ad Console.